Why do you primarily assist senior executives aged 45 and over ?
Does the VPCA methodology guarantee that I will find a job ?
Why a "SATISFIED or FREE" offer ?
What are the beneficial applications of a clear identification of my added value and distinctive value proposition ?
Is a 2-hour session enough to identify my added value and distinctive value proposition ?
What is the principle of scarcity proposition ?
This is because individuals with this profile fully benefit from this support method. Their rich and often complex professional background provides the opportunity for a unique value proposition while making it more challenging to synthesize and highlight the numerous skills and experiences gained.
This is because individuals with this profile fully benefit from this support method. Their rich and often complex professional background provides the opportunity for a unique value proposition while making it more challenging to synthesize and highlight the numerous skills and experiences gained.
Creating a business model is essential to support a project and gain the backing of banks, investors, partners, and customers, but it does not guarantee the success of the initiative. The VPCA® method leverages these strengths while being subject to the same constraints. It significantly improves the visibility and viability of the job search process, without guaranteeing its success.
Because we reject the "unsatisfactory and paid" option. Because we know the strengths of our VPCA® methodology. Because a service that doesn't serve is not a service ...
√ Find a job suited to your skills by enhancing your visibility and attractiveness to recruiters.
√ Accurately target companies most likely to seek your profile and specific skills.
√ Design and develop a relevant and precise entrepreneurial project based on your expertise and distinctive strengths.
√ Better identify alternative careers and support professional transition. |
The VPCA® method, implemented over a deliberately short duration, aims to facilitate the emergence of ideas and reflections, by helping participants focus on the fundamental aspects of their value proposition and job search strategy, without being distracted by minor elements or secondary considerations. This method is inspired by brainstorming techniques, promoting spontaneity and the emergence of innovative and original ideas. The creative approach allows participants to explore new and surprising perspectives, overcoming cognitive biases such as expertise blindness and professional blindness.
The Principle of Scarcity Proposition, developed and successfully applied in the context of entrepreneurial projects by the creator of the VPCA® method, is based on the assumption that the added value of a service is directly linked to the scarcity of the skills, qualities, and expertise that characterize it. This approach allows for an innovative consulting method to identify and formulate the value proposition of a service.
In the context of the Principle of Scarcity Proposition, scarcity is defined as the set of skills, qualities, and expertise that, either considered individually or combined and acting in synergy, form a singular and therefore valuable proposition. Scarcity is a crucial factor for the value proposition, as it allows for differentiation of a service from other offers present in the market.